Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Drive-By Garden Update

We harvested our potatoes last weekend. The potato bed was then turned and given a little snack of mushroom compost to prepare it for the fall brussels sprouts and peas.

I cleaned out the bolted bok choi and then planted some new radishes, green onions and basil transplants.
ETA: and cabbage - forgot about those! I planted some red and green cabbage that will hopefully have enough time to mature before the weather gets too cold.

Vegetables 'Now Showing' in our kitchen include: broccoli, beets, onions, garlic, lettuce and two tiny cherry tomatoes (which disappeared so fast it was like they'd never even been there!).
ETA: and also kale, green onions, parsley, dill and potatoes

I have more things that need to be planted but those will have to wait as I'm a bit busy right now playing nurse to Garden Guy following his surgery.

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